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  • Are fad diets making you HANGRY?

    Do you know whether your weight is normal, obese, or underweight? Here’s a quick BMI calculator for you. If you’re at risk of obesity, you’re not alone. There are many efforts to curb the spread of obesity. The government has obliged restaurants to tell us how many calories we’re ingesting and has taxed sweet food. Magazines have filled their pages with quick diets, promising “Two Days to Lose 2 Kg.s” However, oftentimes, our efforts to eat half a cucumber for a whole day makes us hungry and angry: HANGRY Nutritionist Fatima, at ALJ Hospital weighs in: when we don’t eat for a long time, our body goes into “starvation mode,” stress hormones are released; our brain’s lack of nutrients worsens our concentration; we even find it more difficult to adhere to social norms. That’s why we preach for a more holistic approach to healthy weight. AbdulLatif Jameel Hospital knows that the journey to health takes time and patience. We know it’s hard to find easy and healthy recipes for you to get started on your journey, so we’ve partnered up with local Chefs who will each provide you with one healthy recipe for you to try ! Mohammad Zaki Aldahabi & Mishal Islam Haya Rifai Loulwa Mkhaiche Hussein Alshatarat Serene Alafifi Reem Bawazeer Indulge Thyself Jet Set Eat Sedrajundi Vote for your favorite recipe by liking it on our Instagram. The winner will receive a physiotherapy session to ease their aches. Last day to vote: World Obesity Day - Sun 7th March, 2021 Recent studies, including the one conducted by Hruby A, show that obesity requires professional assistance because it is not only food-based, but it can be caused by biology, socio-economic background, or lifestyle. If you need to consult with a professional, reach out to us to speak with an internist or a nutritionist.

  • HAPPINESS! – The results are in: here is what the research tells us. By: Tamara Gazzaz

    HAPPINESS! The results are in: here is what the research tells us. By: Tamara Gazzaz Is there anything more beautiful than a smile and the true joy that radiates within? Have you ever wondered how such joy affects you? Well, according to research , happy people are more accomplished and have fulfilling careers. Dr Barbara Fredriksson explains: positive emotions open our minds just like certain types of lilies, which open when the light shines, and closes when darkness descends. With positive emotions we are open to positive experiences; we find the opportunities and we become more creative, and we grow smarter. According to Dr. David Myers, author of Pursuit of Happiness , happy people tend to have 8 qualities in common. Are optimistic : They are energized; they are more empathetic to people’s problems; they rationalize events and give people the benefit of doubt rather than be quick to blame them. Love themselves: They mind their business, they don't judge, yet they are sociable and friendly. Build relationships: They surround themselves with positive and encouraging people Are spiritual: It is their system to add meaning and vitality to life’s experiences. Have a balanced life: They know when to work, when to relax, and the right ratio to find peace within. Are creative: They are good at problem solving and keep producing new ideas and learning new things. Have personal control: They hold themselves accountable for their own actions. Are kinder: They think of others more than they think of themselves. They spread happiness with their actions and help others even with small actions. To get you in the habit, we’re sharing your submissions for what you’re grateful for everyday for 14 days on our IG account . Join and support our happiness community. Happiness is a choice, and that choice can just mean choosing to speak up and ask for help. If you ever feel like you no longer find joy in basic things, talk to a trained professional, and let us support you on your journey to happiness. Meet the team and book an appointment now, by Calling us on +966126770001 Ext. 4107, Whatsapping us on: +966 54 188 6991 or book using the patient portal. About the author: Meet Tamara A Gazzaz Tamara has been working to make the world a happier place since 2004. She obtained a Master’s degree in Positive Psychology and the Psychology of Coaching from University of East London , and she is an accredited NLP master practitioner and earned a diploma in Transformational Coaching. Ms. Gazzaz gained experience working and researching her craft in several schools and institutes in the United Kingdom, Japan, United States and Saudi Arabia, where she worked to transform women’s lives for the better. She also volunteered with underprivileged elders and children in the UK. Ms Gazzaz is now working on a project to empower 1000 women to let go of their past: self beliefs, negative thoughts, pain to create a life they desire… a life of happiness.  LET US HEAR FROM YOU! What you would like to read? What expert advice would you like to hear? We have a fleet of experts to help answer your health questions, or to make your collaboration wish list come to life. #happiness #research #tamaragazzaz #truejoy


    You've clicked here and we can feel your love towards your parents. You want to keep them safe and social distance but you’re not ready for that to take a toll on their mental health. In honor of mental health awareness week, we have a few suggestions on how to cheer your parents up for each day of this week: Watch your parents’ favorite movie Get ready to be told that: “They don’t make movies like this anymore!” Enjoy the laughter; relish the comments; take delight in your mom gushing on how handsome Rushdi Abaza is in every scene. Even if you’re not keen to watch classics, consider it an education, and a great way to get closer to your loved one. Don’t know where to go past netflix? Here are a few movie suggestions to get you started. Dig out the secret family recipes Start rolling the Warag Enab [grape leaves]; get the meat out the freezer; sharpen your knives. Get ready to make your mamma proud, or get kicked out the kitchen. Either way, your efforts will be appreciated. Tarab radio and gossip Put the coffee on the stove, skip the sugar, blast Fairouz and get ready for laughs. When we say “gossip” we mean, a light hearted chat where you’ll get the best stories out of your parents: “Seedo how did you meet Sitto?” Or “Seedo, what life advice would you give me?” First, you’ll get inspired, and foremost, it’s an awesome conversation starter. A socially distanced Friday lunch Human connection is so important! Your parents and grandparents miss you, and we encourage you to reach out but we beg you to keep them safe! This is your chance to exercise social distancing rules or maybe just teach your grandma how to use the ipad you bought her three years ago that’s still in its box. Game night Get your George Qerdahi suit on and the trivia game going, or just keep it old school with Keeram and balloot. You may not win a million Riyals, but aren’t their laughs worth a more? Tatreez, crochet, or any craft you can help your mom with. Your mom may not be able to put the thread through the needle, or hold the crochet hook right, but you are here to help her and learn from her. Some studies suggest that crafts and creative projects help protect an elders memory, so this project is not only fun it is a great way to take care of an elder’s wellbeing. Read out loud Even if you don’t have the skilled storytelling abilities of Shahrazad, there is nothing wrong with reading stories out loud with your family. If in doubt, get your dad to start and I promise you his nostalgia will take on the narration for you. If you would like to hear more advice or tips, follow us on Instagram, and read more blog posts here. Please remember that if you are struggling to put a smile on your parents faces, maybe it’s time to call a professional for help. You can also call us on 012 6770001 and we will find a way to help you

  • 3 Easy Habits Recommended by a Physiotherapist, You Can Pick Them Up Today

    Work out right On average, one third of your life is spent at work, and most of that time is on a chair (or sofa if you’re working from home!). So, here’s what our physiotherapist recommends: Work Out Right We’ve scoured the internet and found effective, safe and FREE workouts available now on YouTube and Instagram. Here’s our secret list Home workouts: Stef_fit Pulse Studio Meggangrubb Bradleysimmonds Krissycela Lillysabri Samiclarke Chloe Ting Heba Ali Whitney Simmons Karama Studios Pulse Studio Work Your Circle Right According to David Burkus, you’re NOT the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. You’re the average of all the people who surround you (highlighted this cuz it can be used on IG for the article ad), That’s why, we’ve created a set of easy mobility exercises for you to enjoy with your friends, parents or even your grandparents. 7 Minute Spine Relaxation exercises 9 Minutes for Your Back and Glute Muscles Here is a workout routine that you can follow. We cut it up if you want to do short focused exercises. Remember to STOP whenever you feel any pain, and if you have any injuries proceed with caution and follow your doctor’s instructions. Part 1 7 Mins Spine and back. Perfect for anyone who works long hours on a desk or anyone who has a bad posture Part 2 2 Min Abs. Learn to strengthen your core without hurting your back Part 3 9 Mins to strengthen your back muscles Part 4 10 Min shoulder exercises Part 5 7 Mins to manage knee pain and strengthen your lower body Part 6 2 Mins on arms Let us help you! Meet the team and book an appointment now, by calling us on LET US HEAR FROM YOU! What you would like to read? What expert advice would you like to hear? We have a fleet of experts to help answer your health questions, or to make your collaboration wish list come to life.

  • International Yoga Day

    #jeddah #saudiarabia #yoga2020 #yogainsaudiarabia #yogacompetition #internationalyogaday

  • Tips to revamp your eating habits after Eid

    Congratulate yourself. You’ve worked hard this Ramadan. Allow yourself to enjoy a hearty breakfast with family and friends – even if it’s on video call! Forgive yourself for any unhealthy choices you made; what matters is that you pick yourself up and remember that you’re seeking a balanced lifestyle and not a race. Baby steps. Change one thing at a time, don’t feel pressured to have a brand new lifestyle overnight. Try to adopt one new habit at a time. Don’t skip meals. Even if you decide to incorporate intermittent fasting to your regular routine, try to eat 3 meals a day with the right nutrients. For a more personalized meal plan, and a body analysis, call our nutritionist to help you decide on your caloric intake. Probiotics. Probiotic filled food will help take care of your gut health, make you feel less bloated and lighter. Foods like buttermilk, yogurt, pickles and any other fermented foods like miso or Kimchi. Get a blood test. Get a blood test. We recommend testing for vitamin D, B12, B9, and iron so you can better cope with any irritability, difficulty concentrating or to simply improve your overall immunity.  You can get a blood test, from the comfort of your couch, today, by setting an appointment for our nurse to visit you. Ingredients Eggplants 2 medium eggplants Olive oil Olive oil to brush Garlic 3 garlic cloves, crushed Parsley 1/3 cup chopped parsley Paprika 1 tablespoon paprika Cumin 3/4 teaspoon cumin Chilli flakes Chilli flakes to taste Onion 1/2 white onion, finely chopped Cherry Tomatoes 1/2 box of cherry tomatoes Tomato can 1 can of whole tomatoes crushed Sugar 1 tablespoon brown sugar Lemon juice 2 tablespoon lemon juice + zest Eggs 6 eggs Feta / Olives Feta, olives to serve Salt and Pepper Mint, parsley, green zaatar, cilantro, roughly chopped to serve Instructions Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line the baking tray with baking paper. Slice the eggplant into 1cm thick rounds. Brush each side with olive oil placed in a single layer on the baking tray. Bake on both sides till golden. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Mix with olive oil, salt & pepper and bake on parchment paper with eggplants till browned. Meanwhile, combine the garlic, parsley, paprika, cumin and chilli in a medium bowl. Chop eggplant into smaller pieces (usually quarters works well) and combine with spice mix and grilled tomatoes. In a large fry pan or cast-iron pan (something you would like to serve in) add a tablespoon of olive oil and the chopped onion, sautee for 3-4 minutes over low heat. Add the crushed tomatoes and simmer for 5 mins. Add the eggplant mixture to the tomatoes in the pan. Stir to combine, and bring to a simmer. Add the brown sugar, lemon juice. Form small hollows in the mixture using a spoon, crack an egg into each. Scatter with crumbled feta and olives. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-7 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked to your liking. Keep an eye out – the eggs cook quickly. Season with sea salt, pepper, and lemon zest. Top with roughly chopped herbs you have on hand. Serve with crusty bread or soft pita and olive oil. #Eid2020 #Eidalfitr #Eidrecipe #Recipe

  • Be kind to your mental health this Ramadan

    Get a good night’s sleep More sleep means less cortisol. This means improved metabolism, less skin breakouts, and a less cranky you. Since social gatherings are prohibited during lock down, there is no excuse to stay up till dawn. Keeping a schedule will boost your mood and sleep will especially help you immune system – which is more important than ever during a pandemic. Keep moving Exercise is important regardless of the time of the year. However, fasting and maintaining social distancing can make the couch look tempting. That’s why you should set a regular and easy schedule rather than an ambitious one that causes you to burn out. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. We know those Zoom meetings are long. That’s why our physiotherapists prepared 10 minute exercises on our Instagram page. Pain can stop us from working out, but that’s what physiotherapists are for. Listen to your body when it’s asking you to stop and seek professional help from a physiotherapist (+966126770001 ext. 2110) Take advantage of all the online workouts. Low intensity workouts are highly effective for toning and even burning fat. Try lifting light weights, walking, yoga, or even stretching before Iftar. Check out Jeddah’s Pulse Studio and Beit Nat for some online videos. If you miss intense cardio to get your endorphins rushing, try out Arena’s online personal trainer programs. Stay mindful Take it all in We are living through tough times, so it is important to try and find a way to cope with what’s happening. Talk to a friend about how you’re feeling, start a gratitude journal, or start a journal to document what you are feeling at the moment. If you feel overwhelmed, don’t be shy to reach out to a professional therapist. They’re available online and can meet you from the comfort of your home (+966126770001 ext. 2110) Meditate- Praying is the best form of meditation in Ramadan. Studies have shown us that meditation helps manage stress and anxiety, as well as help us sleep and focus, which will assist you in trying to manage your work hours while you’re fasting. Stay social Sellat alrahm. You may not be able to enjoy the annual iftar at your grandmother’s, but you can still ask her to teach you how to cook your favorite recipe on a Zoom video call. Talk to your friends, just as if you are sitting there for suhoor with a cup of tea. You may not be physically there, but seeing them will help comfort you and remind you of a traditional ramadan evening. Pray Jama’a with the people in your house. Even if the masjid is closed, you can still have the space for Ramadan practices, and most importantly the Saudi channel is still broadcasting Taraweeh from Al Masjid Al Nabawi and Al Masjid Al Haram. Keep a schedule Stay organized – Hours may go by slowly but days will fly by, which will be even more challenging during lockdown. Do your best to stay organized. Stay consistent by setting an alarm for the same time every day. Limit your working hours: try to stay focused for your work hours, and then if possible leave the work space when the work hours are done. Designate different areas in your space for different tasks. Try to not work in your bed, try to not eat in your bed, and try to do fun activities after the work hours are over. Take the time to work on yourself and discover the world from your couch It goes without saying that ramadan is the perfect time for self discovery Museums are offering free virtual tours, check out this guide for some of the best tours Online classes are available so take the time to learn something new: Cambridge Muslim College is offering online courses and lectures in honor of the month as well as discounted offers for some online classes. Duolingo is a perfect App to learn or practice a new language. Master Class is for online courses taught by experts in their fields, from tennis pro Serena Williams or world famous chef Gordon Ramsey. Be kind Lock down restrictions might prohibit us from sharing food or sending out sadaqa, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share kindness Start in the house. Our tempers are often tested during fasting hours, but think of the people in your house and think of how patient you should be with them. Yes, we are frustrated with being trapped with our families, but remember that you are blessed to have them around you and healthy communication is key. Be kind to those who can’t fast. Many people are unable to fast due to chronic illnesses, pregnancy, age, or other issues, be kind to them, don’t offer any unwarranted advice, and remember them in your Dua’s. Extending the kindness even when Ramadan and the lockdown is over: there are often many reports regarding the food wastes that happen in Ramadan due to many people’s generosity, but food is welcomed year round. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Don’t ever feel pressured to over perform during these times. It is stressful to everyone, just do your best and that is good enough. Take care of your physical health and eat right You really are what you eat. Since food has such a large impact on your mental health and well being, we’ve dedicated our next blog for food. Look for next week’s advice on how to eat right from our nutritionists, recipes, and more. Surrender to God Even after you do your best, remember that in the end if the day there are powers greater than us and all we can do is to trust and surrender to God. Remember that you are part of something bigger than yourself and you will be one step further from your struggle.

  • Is your Medical facility ready to deal with the pandemic? – WHO releases guidelines to help co

    The WHO published an article on the 30th of March talking about the strain a pandemic can have on the health system – The COVID-19 pandemic is straining health systems worldwide. The rapidly increasing demand on health facilities and health care workers threatens to leave some health systems overstretched and unable to operate effectively. Previous outbreaks have demonstrated that when health systems are overwhelmed, mortality from vaccine-preventable and other treatable conditions can also increase dramatically. During the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak, the increased number of deaths caused by measles, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis attributable to health system failures exceeded deaths from Ebola [1,2]. “The best defense against any outbreak is a strong health system,” stressed WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “COVID-19 is revealing how fragile many of the world’s health systems and services are, forcing countries to make difficult choices on how to best meet the needs of their people.” read more on: #covid19 #healthfacility #medicalfacility #pandemic

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